Underground Utility

Financing Options for Underground Utility & Cabling Contractors.

Whether you are a contractor for a municipality or a major utility provider, you are likely waiting 30 or more days for payment. This can create serious cash flow problems for small businesses who need to pay employees, purchase materials, and cover other operating expenses.  Invoice factoring for utility contractors can provide the working capital needed to keep your business running and allow you to take on additional opportunities.

Speed Up Slow Payments by Factoring Receivables.

Instead of waiting 30, 60, or 90 days for your invoice to be paid, factoring receivables can provide fast cash to allow utility contractors to cover their expenses and bid on additional contracts with the confidence that they have the cash to complete the job.

Whitmore Financial understands the challenges of utility contractors and we’ve provided financing solutions to contractors in all different areas including:


  • Underground cable line diggers & installers.
  • Underground Utilities – Telecom, Electricity, Gas, Water & Sewage, and Geothermal.
  • Laying Fiber-Optic Cable.
  • Trenchless Cable & Pipe Laying.

Our Process.

Step 1


Complete form to become a client & determine the credit worthiness of your debtor.

Step 2


Identify and comply with contract terms for immediate invoice factoring eligibility.

Step 3


We handle all of your accounts receivable and develop a customized factoring plan.

Step 4


Receive funds to make payroll, hire labor, secure equipment and purchase material.

What our clients are saying.