Temporary Staffing

Is Your Staffing Company Running Out of Money for Expenses?

To build a successful staffing company, you need ample and reliable cash flow. Your funding source will need to meet all your financial needs on demand, including:


  • Weekly Payroll
  • Marketing, Advertising and Sales Expenses
  • Administration and Overhead
  • Executive Compensation

Meeting weekly payroll can be a serious challenge when customers are taking up to 30, 60 or 90 days to pay your open invoices. Adding new employees to support your company’s growth may quickly deplete your working capital as your receivables grow. A factoring line with Whitmore Financial can give you the backup capital you need to turn receivables into reliable cash flow.

Our Process.

Step 1


Complete form to become a client & determine the credit worthiness of your debtor.

Step 2


Identify and comply with contract terms for immediate invoice factoring eligibility.

Step 3


We handle all of your accounts receivable and develop a customized factoring plan.

Step 4


Receive funds to make payroll, hire labor, secure equipment and purchase material.

What our clients are saying.